Why join Inverclyde Taxis?

  • Inverclyde’s busiest taxi company
  • A variety of shifts available to suit your lifestyle/family commitments
  • Extensive cash and account work
  • Great team spirit – excellent customer service staff
  • Latest in-car technology
  • BACs payments direct to your bank for all account work
  • Your opportunity to be your own boss*
  • Lease vehicles available

There are opportunities for licensed operators with and without their own vehicles.

*All drivers with Inverclyde Taxis operate in accordance with Inverclyde Council’s licensing regulations and are considered self-employed operators

New Taxi School Launched

Do you have a driving ambition to be your own boss, well with the Inverclyde Taxi School we can help you on your way.


Interested?  Call now on 01475 634563 for more information or fill in the form


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